McAfee Knob, Tinker Cliffs, & North Mountain 113-Mile Hike #4

2 miles from the Orange Market + 13-mile shuttle, $1.50 carpool fee
22 miles, moderate terrain

The hike starts at the McAfee Trailhead parking lot near VA-311 & VA-864.

This should be a truly epic hike! It offers the opportunity to see two of the prime vistas of the Appalachian Trail in one day. The hike first climbs gradually to McAfee's Knob, then follows the AT on the ridgeline to Tinker Cliffs before dropping down to Rt. 779 on the Andy Layne Trail. It will then climb to the top of North Mountain and head south. The rest of the hike is an up-and-down ridge walk, with occasional views on both sides. There is a trailhead for the North Mountain Trail on VA-311 between the Dragon's Tooth lot and VA-624.